Do your homework 2 times faster with tutor help
StudyFAQ is a platform that helps to find verified Tutors and allows to submit tasks on time, without wasting precious hours of your life.
The whole process with the tutor was very smooth, even when I asked for some modification on the project they did it without charging any extra fee.
Everyone is very helpful and knowledgeable. I will definitely use this site again.
Who will assist me with my homework?
A group of knowledgeable academic assistants who have extensive experience with academic assignments and are always up to date on the most recent academic requirements. Our website guarantees that our assistants will assist you within the specified time frame.
What if I dislike the type of assistance I was given?
When you choose the assistant, you can always go over the assignment in greater detail later. You can get any advice or assistance you require. However, once you consider the tutor’s work completed and release the payment, you will no longer be eligible for a refund. More information can be found in the Terms of Use.
How can I be sure that my data is secure?
We cannot allow information disclosure because confidentiality is your primary privilege. We don’t want to reveal any of your data, and neither do you, so it’s been kept on secure servers. Similarly, it would never be accessible to third parties.
My overall experience has been excellent so far, thanks a lot!